
Formal Process: If this process fails, the individuals may decide to embark upon the formal process of reconciliation. The matter should be arbitrated with a representative group of mature and unbiased individuals in the church. If fault is determined, this group may recommend appropriate action as described in paragraph 604.


Resolution of Disciplinary Matters by Agreement. The disciplinary process described in this Manual is intended to provide an appropriate process for resolving allegations of misconduct when the allegations are contested by the accused. In many situations, it is appropriate to resolve disciplinary matters by agreement. Efforts to resolve disciplinary matters by agreement are encouraged and should be pursued whenever practical.


Any matter which is within the jurisdiction of a Local Board of Discipline may be resolved by a written agreement between the person accused and the pastor if approved by the church board and the district superintendent. The terms of such an agreement shall have the same effect as an action by a Local Board of Discipline.


If a lay member is accused of unchristian conduct, such accusations shall be placed in writing and signed by at least two members who have been in faithful attendance for at least six months. The pastor shall appoint an investigating committee of three members of the local church, subject to the approval of the district superintendent. The committee shall make a written report of its investigation. This report must be signed by a majority and filed with the church board. After the investigation and pursuant thereto, any two members in good standing in the local church may sign charges against the accused and file same with the church board. Thereupon the church board shall appoint, subject to the approval of the district superintendent, a Local Board of Discipline of five members, who are unprejudiced and able to hear and dispose of the case in a fair and impartial manner. If in the opinion of the district superintendent, it is impractical to select five members from the local church due to the size of the church, the nature of the allegations, or the position of influence of the accused, the district superintendent shall after consulting the pastor, appoint five laypersons from other churches on the same district to be the Board of Discipline. This board shall conduct a hearing as soon as practicable and determine the issues involved. After hearing the testimony of witnesses and considering the evidence, the Board of Discipline shall either absolve the accused or administer discipline as the facts shall establish to be proper. The decision must be unanimous. Discipline may take the form of reprimand, suspension, or expulsion from membership in the local church. (516.8)


Laypersons serving in leadership roles are held to a high standard. When misconduct occurs, the impact is often very serious. An individual guilty of sexual misconduct involving minors should not be permitted to serve in any position of responsibility for or ministry with minors, or be elected or appointed to any leadership role in the local church. A minor is defined as any human being under the age of 18, unless the age of majority is attained later under a state’s or country’s own domestic legislation. (503.1)


The perpetuity and effectiveness of the Church of the Nazarene depend largely upon the spiritual qualifications, the character, and the manner of life of its members of the clergy. Members of the clergy aspire to a high calling and function as anointed individuals in whom is placed the church’s trust. They accept their calling knowing that they will be held to high personal standards by those to whom they minister. Because of the high expectations placed upon them, the members of the clergy and their ministry are peculiarly vulnerable to any accusation of misconduct. It is therefore incumbent upon members to use the following procedures with the biblical wisdom and maturity that befits the people of God.


If a member of the clergy is accused of conduct unbecoming a minister or of teaching doctrines out of harmony with the doctrinal statement of the Church of the Nazarene, such accusations shall be placed in writing and shall be signed by at least two members of the Church of the Nazarene who are at the time in good standing. Accusations of sexual misconduct cannot be signed by any person who consented to participate in the alleged misconduct. The written accusation must be filed with the district superintendent who shall present it to the District Advisory Board of the district where the accused has ministerial membership. This accusation shall become part of the record in the case.

The District Advisory Board shall give written notice to the accused that accusations have been filed, as soon as practical by any method which gives actual notice. When actual notice is not practical, notice may be provided in the manner which is customary for serving legal notices in that locality. The accused and his or her counsel shall have the right to examine the accusations and to receive a written copy of the same immediately upon request. (540.4, 540.9, 540.12)