Minister: Having been prospered by the hand of the Lord and enabled by His grace and strength to complete this building to the glory of His name, we now stand in God’s presence to dedicate this structure to the service of His kingdom.

To the glory of God our Father, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift; to the honor of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior; and to the praise of the Holy Spirit, Source of light, and life, and power—our Sanctifier,

Congregation: We do now, with joy and gratitude, humbly dedicate this building.

Minister: In remembrance of all who have loved and served this church, establishing the heritage we now enjoy, and who are now part of the Church Triumphant,

Congregation: We gratefully dedicate this edifice (sanctuary, education building, fellowship hall, etc.).

Minister: For worship in prayer and song, for the preaching of the Word, for the teaching of the Scriptures, and for the fellowship of the saints,

Congregation: We solemnly dedicate this house of God.

Minister: For the comfort of those who mourn, for the strengthening of the weak, for the help of those who are tempted, and for the giving of hope and courage to all who come within these walls,

Congregation: We dedicate this place of fellowship and prayer.

Minister: For the sharing of the good news of salvation from sin, for the spreading of scriptural holiness, for the giving of instruction in righteousness, and for the service of our fellowmen,

Congregation: We reverently dedicate this building.

Unison: We, as laborers together with God, now join hands and hearts and dedicate ourselves anew to the high and holy purposes to which this building has been set apart. We pledge our loyal devotion, faithful stewardship, and diligent service to the end that in this place the name of the Lord shall be glorified, and His kingdom shall be advanced; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.