
Paid Staff

  1. When a region employs a regional youth coordinator, the regional director, in consultation with the Regional Advisory Council and Regional NYI Council, assigns the responsibility for the regional NYI to the regional youth coordinator. In that case, the regional youth coordinator may carry out some of the duties otherwise designated to a regional NYI chair. However, the importance of the regional NYI chair remains, in providing additional leadership, support, and representation for regional youth ministry. The Regional NYI Council and regional director work together to define the roles and responsibilities of the two positions and how they work together for the benefit of the regional youth ministry.
  2. A regional youth coordinator may not serve as regional NYI chair.
  3. The regional youth coordinator serves ex officio on the Regional NYI Council, the Executive Committee, and the Regional NYI Nominating Committee.
  4. The regional youth coordinator may serve as the regional director’s designee for NYI-related responsibilities.



  1. The Regional NYI Council is composed of the officers of the regional NYI, other elected or appointed youth members-at-large, ministry leaders as deemed necessary by the council, the regional director and regional youth coordinator.
  2. Only those NYI members who are members of the Church of the Nazarene on the region may serve as Regional NYI Council members.
  3. When applicable, representatives from Nazarene colleges or universities responsible for shared ministry with the regional NYI may also serve on the Regional NYI Council.



  1. A regional NYI Nominating Committee nominates regional NYI members to be elected to the Regional NYI Council.
  2. The Regional NYI Caucus at the Global NYI Convention then elects by majority vote the members of the Regional NYI Council from submitted nominations. The Regional NYI Caucus may authorize the Regional NYI Council to appoint regional ministry directors.
  3. A vacancy occurs when a member moves his/her membership off of the region, resigns, or is removed from office by two-thirds vote of the council due to neglect of duties or inappropriate conduct. Should a vacancy occur among council members elected or appointed by the council, the Regional NYI Council fills the vacancy by two-thirds vote if there is one nominee or by majority vote if two or more nominees. If a vacancy occurs among members representing a district on the region, the vacancy is filled according to that district’s ministry plan.



  1. The Regional NYI Council is responsible for planning and organizing the total ministry for youth within the region and, through its officers and directors, initiates and directs ministries and activities to reach young people for Christ and to respond to their spiritual growth needs, in harmony with regional leadership.
  2. The Regional NYI Council defines the ministry focus of regional NYI in response to regional youth ministry needs, and develops and assigns titles and responsibilities for regional NYI ministry directors.
  3. The Regional NYI Council encourages and equips districts across the region for effective youth ministry.
  4. The Regional NYI Council gives leadership to the youth area of Sunday School/Bible Studies/small groups regionally by promoting growth in enrollment and attendance for youth and providing training for youth Sunday School/Bible study/small group teachers and leaders in cooperation with Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International.
  5. The Regional NYI Council promotes global NYI ministries and programs to regional membership.
  6. The Regional NYI Council directs the expenditure of funds provided to the region through NYI events and partnerships.
  7. The Regional NYI Council makes recommendations to the Regional NYI Caucus at the Global NYI Convention concerning the ministry of NYI. The council also appoints up to two persons to serve the region as members of the Resolutions Committee at the Global NYI Convention, consistent with the Global Ministry Plan.
  8. The Regional NYI Council works in consultation with the regional director to select one representative to serve on the Global NYI Council.
  9. The Regional NYI Council establishes and communicates the process for amending the regional ministry plan.



  1. The NYI Executive Committee consists of the elected regional NYI officers and the regional director and/or regional youth coordinator. The Executive Committee may conduct the business of the Regional NYI Council when it is impractical or impossible to convene the entire council. All actions of the Executive Committee are communicated to the remaining members of the council and are subject to the approval of the entire council at its next meeting.
  2. The Regional NYI Council may establish specific ministry committees in response to regional youth ministry needs.
  3. In countries where there are a number of districts, a region may organize national NYI leadership to coordinate and facilitate youth ministry in that country.


The Field NYI

  1. Where applicable and in cooperation with regional church leadership, the Regional NYI Council may organize for leadership of NYI on the various fields within the existing structure of a region, in order to coordinate and maximize NYI ministry across the region.
  2. A field NYI council may be created to have responsibility for specific ministries and activities on the field.
  3. A representative from each field may serve on the Regional NYI Council, if so specified by the Regional Caucus.


Paid Staff

  1. The regional director designates the responsibilities of a regional youth coordinator, in consultation with the Regional Advisory Council and the Regional NYI Council.
  2. The Regional NYI Council and regional youth coordinator work in cooperation and harmony with each other.


Regional NYI Meetings

  1. A variety of regional NYI gatherings help provide effective ministry to young people on the region.
  2. The regional NYI also encourages and enhances district NYI ministry by meeting with district NYI groups across the region to resource them for effective ministry.
  3. The regional NYI participates in global NYI gatherings that further enhance effective youth ministry across the region.


Regional NYI Council Meetings

  1. The Regional NYI Council meets regularly to fulfill the mission and vision of regional NYI.
  2. Meetings of the council may be scheduled or called by the regional NYI chair, regional director, regional youth coordinator, or the global NYI director.


Regional NYI Caucus

  1. A Regional NYI Caucus is convened during the Global NYI Convention. The caucus provides for inspirational sessions and programs to advance youth ministry across the region. Reports are received, leadership is elected, and any legislative business pertaining to the work of NYI on the region is transacted at the caucus.
  2. The Regional NYI Council, in cooperation with the global NYI director, arranges for and oversees the Regional NYI Caucus.
  3. The Regional NYI Caucus is composed of the members of the Regional NYI Council, the regional director and/or regional youth coordinator, and the delegates from the region to the Global NYI Convention who are elected, consistent with the Global Ministry Plan.
  4. The caucus convenes during the Global NYI Convention at a time and place designated by the global NYI director. When approved by the Regional NYI Council, the regional director, and the Global NYI Council, a caucus may be convened by postal or electronic means within six months prior to the Global NYI Convention in order to conduct regional NYI business when circumstances prohibit a majority of elected delegates from attending the Global NYI Convention.