The Committee on the Interests of the God-Called Evangelist shall be composed of the revivalism coordinator, who shall be ex-officio chairperson of the committee, plus four tenured evangelists and one pastor. The USA/Canada office director, in consultation with the revivalism coordinator shall submit a list of nominees for the committee to the Board of General Superintendents for approval and appointment. The committee or its designee shall personally interview commissioned evangelists who have been recommended by their respective district assemblies for “tenured evangelist” status. It shall also review the state of itinerant evangelism in the Church of the Nazarene and make recommendations concerning both revivals and evangelists to the appropriate committee of the General Board. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment from the Board of General Superintendents from recommendations received from the USA/Canada office director, in consultation with the revivalism coordinator. (317.7, 510.3)


Following the General Assembly, the Global Clergy Development director, in consultation with regional education coordinators, shall submit a list of nominees to serve on the International Course of Study Advisory Committee (ICOSAC). Nominees to the committee may include pastoral, administrative, educational, and lay representatives. Composition of ICOSAC should substantially represent the global church. The Board of General Superintendents shall appoint the International Course of Study Advisory Committee to serve for the quadrennium.

The International Course of Study Advisory Committee shall meet not fewer than once every two years at a location determined by the Global Clergy Development director (529.1–529.2, 529.5).


The convention shall elect a Global NYI Council chair. The Global NYI vice chair is elected by the Global NYI Council at its first meeting during or following General Assembly. The Global NYI Council chair and vice chair shall be members ex-officio of the Global Nazarene Youth International (NYI) Council and shall serve without salary.


The Global Nazarene Youth International (NYI) Council shall be composed of the chair, vice chair, and representation from each region as designated by the NYI Global Ministry Plan. The director of Nazarene Youth International shall serve ex-officio on the council. The council shall be responsible to the General Board through the Global Mission Committee, and general superintendent in jurisdiction for NYI, and shall conduct itself under the authority of the NYI Charter and the NYI Global Ministry Plan. The Global NYI Council members shall hold office until the conclusion of the next General Assembly, when their successors are elected and qualified. (810)